Theres another one gone

Murdered to Death has ended.

I’ve sent the Colonel off to the tropics for the next few months. Thoroughly enjoyable time in my life, rehearsals went swimmingly and the performances were an absolute hoot. The audiences were raucous and we pretty much sold out the whole run.

I was terribly nervous the day the play started, and more so on the day before. I kept thinking “Well, over 2000 people are going to see this, what if I balls up?”. Needless to say, this sort of negative thinking doesn’t do one much good.

Thing is, once I got to the theatre, stuck on the costume and make-up I was fine. So, hopefully lesson learned from that.

I’ll be back to ranting soon enough, but right now I’m afflicted with hay fever. It doesn’t help I live next door to a meadow. Hmm


Like a strong odour

Like a strong smell that causes embarrassment when guests arrive, I have returned once more.

Haven’t been at the old PC for a while as I was rather busy with caring for our gran. Technically the wife’s grandmother, however she passed away, so time has been taken up with funeral arrangements and such.

I couldn’t really think of anything to write about either, my joie de vivre was a bit lacking.

The play Murdered to Death starts this coming week, which is causing me no end of nerves. Quite why I’m not so sure, I can readily identify with the part of the Colonel. Him being a heavy drinking, tweed wearing chap with an eye for the ladies and terrible trouble with remembering names.

It’s dress rehearsal and publicity photographs today, so it was rather disconcerting to find an enormous spot right on my forehead. Quite why this should occur at my age and neglect to fulfil it’s duty to afflict the face of some nauseating adolescent is beyond me.


It’s the way I tell ’em.

Well, the curtain fell last night for the final performance of Streetcar.

Today I’m rehearsing ‘Murdered to Death’ which is a comedy/farce/whodunnit piece which I have to admit is very funny.

Tennesee Williams wasn’t reknowned for his gags. Indeed, I told two of his jokes in Steetcar which never got a laugh!

Of course the jokes were racist given that the play was set in 1948 and had the N word. So I suppose the audience would have felt uncomfortable laughing. It was either that or my dodgy Louisianna accent!

Streetcar was very well recieved though by the theatre goers which was good to see as the show is on nearby by a so called professional outfit which by all accounts wasn’t a patch on the Wigan theatre version.

Once Murdered to Death is finished I’m taking a break from theatre. I need to spend some time with my family as I’ve been in shows almost constantly from last year.



Panto mad

We are fast approaching the last week of panto. It’s been great fun but I must say it’s knackering!

It’s been 2 weeks so far, playing to lots of screaming children and at times adults. Today should have been my day off but I had Streetcar rehearsal.

I must say that it was vastly different to panto.  Today was intense, fun but a totally different atmosphere. Still, variety is the spice of life isn’t it?

I had an audition last Sunday, which went much better than expected. I got a plum part playing a colonel. This means that the moustache will have to stay now until the end of May.

I’ll update when I have had some rest!